Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: The questioner says, regarding the saying “Ramadhaan Kareem”, is al-Kareem not Allaah? Response: This has no basis. Their saying “Ramadhaan Kareem” does not have any basis. As for [saying] “Ramadhaan Shareef”, “Ramadhaan Mubaarak”, “Ramadhaan ‘Adheem” – these descriptions are mentioned in ahaadeeth; “‘Adheem”, “Mubaarak”, “Shareef” – [there is] […]
Tag: greeting
Greeting one another with “Jumu’ah Mubaarakah” every Friday
What is the ruling regarding the Muslim saying to a[nother] Muslim ‘Jumu’ah Mubaarakah’ every Friday via mobile phone messages, or on [online] discussion forums?
Extending the greeting by a nod of the head
He also says, some people – [and] may Allaah guide them – when they pass by others who are seated or passing them, they nod their head towards them – intending [by doing so] to extend the greeting [of as-salaam ‘alaykum]; [so] should we respond to them [when they do this]?
The dream which reduced the Shaykh to tears
Then this Shaykh asked us: ‘Did you see the Messenger ﷺ?
Important advice related to the outbreak of Coronavirus
In Islaam, [extending the greeting of] as-salaam [‘alaykum] is with the tongue, and the shaking of hands is an extra good deed…
Conveying the ‘salaam’ on behalf of another
If one of them requests that I convey their ‘salaam’ to someone I know, then am I obligated to do that?
Not the habit of the Salaf
It was not the habit of the Salaf to the time of the Prophet ﷺ and his rightly guided Khulafaa…
Extending the greeting to those inside the masjid
[What is the ruling regarding] extending the greeting [of as-salaam ‘alaykum] upon entering the masjid – whether someone is in there or not?
Initiating the greeting of as-salaam ‘alaykum with the disbelievers
What is the ruling regarding extending [the greeting of] as-salaam [‘alaykum] to the disbelievers, particularly if it is for the sake of da’wah?
Always smiling when meeting his brothers in Islaam
When meeting [other] men, I have never seen a man smile as much as Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee.