…[this] means that we are sinful if we do not remember the blessings [of Allaah].
Tag: grateful
Praise and gratitude towards Allaah
If the affairs of the leader are upright for you, then increase in praising Allaah and being grateful to Him [for this blessing].
When someone does you a favour or a good turn
Whoever does you [a favour or] a good turn, particularly in terms of your religion, and [offering you sincere] advice, and encouraging you upon good and discouraging you against that which is bad, then [all of] this necessitates that you should love [and respect] them.
Grateful to Allaah
‘Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak was gratefully rich, [and] his wealth amounted to about 400,000 [deenars].
Being envious
Is it permissible for me to say: “O Allaah! Just as you have bestowed this blessing upon such-and-such, so bestow upon me the same”?