What is the ruling regarding eating and drinking from daily newspapers and [in particular] those who use them as [eating] mats and spreads for their food…
Tag: food
The Shaykh’s hospitality
I heard your voice and brought this food for you, assuming you had not eaten tonight.
Eating from the hand of a menstruating woman
Is it permissible to eat from the hand of a menstruating woman? [Please] advise us [and may Allaah] reward you.
You must be scared of her
In that case, you must be scared of her, for certainly if you deny this, then you would remain with us for supper.
Eating and sleeping in the masjid
What is the ruling regarding the one who points his legs towards the [direction of the] Qiblah in the masjid?
Showing hospitality to non-Muslims by offering them alcoholic drinks
Is it permissible for a Muslim to show hospitality to the friendly non-Muslims by offering them food and drink which the Islaamic religion has prohibited?
From the manners of eating
After finishing eating food, a person takes to fruit; he picks it up with his right hand, and as a result some food remains [from his right hand] fall on the fruit, and the people dislike this
Living with someone who drinks alcohol
The students who live with me say that they drink beer. So is there any sin upon me if I sit or eat with them or [even] talk to them?
Grocery store selling foods containing pig-meat ingredients
Is it permissible to sell food items which contain pig-meat or alcohol?
Tasting food whilst fasting
Is it permissible for a cook to taste the food whilst fasting?