We used to pass by [Imaam] al-Baghawee, and ad-Daaraqutnee [who at the time was only] a small boy, would walk behind us – in his hand was a loaf of bread with pickles on it.
Tag: food
The desire for the heart to be enlightened
It used to be said: Whoever desires his heart be enlightened, then he should reduce [the intake of] his food.
His desires get the better of him
It is not befitting of the believer, that [thought of] his stomach (food) commands his attention the most, and that his desires get the better of him.
Speaking too much and eating too much
[There are] two things that harden the heart: speaking too much and eating too much.
Total control over hunger
He who has total control over his stomach (hunger), attains total control over [the ability to perform] all righteous actions.
Eating too much
It used to be said that eating too much diminishes [the ability] to express [one’s] understanding, and leads to hardness [of the heart] and [too much] sleep.
Eating from one whose provision is haraam
What is the ruling regarding working with someone whose provision is from haraam earnings?
And what is the ruling regarding eating from the provision of this person on occasions of celebration?
Eating fish and chips fried in oil used for frying non-halaal meat
Is it permissible for us to eat fish or chips fried in oil which has been used to fry non-halaal meat, or possibly even pig meat?
Eating camel fat
Does eating camel fat nullify the wudhoo?
Working for a hotel and having to serve alcoholic drinks
I work in one of the hotels, and the nature of my job forces me to carry drinks/beverages which Allaah has made haraam, I do pray, so is this permissible or not?