[As an ummah], we are in a time of great trials and tribulations, and nothing can save us from these trials and tribulations except Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, and thereafter beneficial knowledge.
Tag: fitnah
I advise the youth to hasten in getting married
And I advise the youth to hasten in getting married, particularly in this day and age in which the causes of fitnah and temptations have increased.
From the means which aid uprightness
Maintaining close ties with the scholars
His regret before dying
And I regret having spent most of my time in other than the meanings of the [aayaat of the] Qur.aan.
Returning to the scholars for guidance
So by the permission of Allaah, by returning to the scholars [for guidance] there is salvation from the fitan.
A caution against books of the people of desires and innovations
Indeed, their tribulations came about from these books which they turned to, and left the narrations of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ and his companions.
Protect your womenfolk
Reference: https://twitter.com/z3edd/status/954052617604354048 https://twitter.com/z3edd/status/954052617604354048 When the woman is corrupted, then society will be corrupted, so fear Allaah with respect to [your duty to your] womenfolk, and leave them to nurture the generations, and protect her – for indeed she is like a glass bottle – very easily broken! He ﷺ said: «I have not left behind […]
Supplicating for marriage to a particular young lady
Is it permissible for a person to supplicate for himself that he is blessed with marriage to a [particular] young lady – and [whilst supplicating] he mentions her name in his heart?
Free-mixing amongst relatives, friends and neighbours
From the habits in our village, which I suspect are bad, is that a woman in her home sits in the company of her male relatives who come to visit…
Qualities of the scholar performing ruqyah
Is it permissible to take a woman afflicted with black magic to one of the scholars to recite upon her?