Do not fear the supplication of the one who supplicates against you without [any] right [to do so].
Tag: fear
A tear of the Scholar
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: And the people of knowledge are well known; not everyone who has a certificate [becomes a scholar], [nor he who] has graduated from a [university] faculty or…not everyone who has memorised ahaadeeth or memorised aayaat [becomes a scholar]. Not everybody who has read books becomes […]
Don’t cheat!
Reference: أخي الطالب مهما شعرت بصعوبة الإختبار و ضعف تحضيرك، لا تغش ❌❌ وتذكر قوله تعالى:{ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجاويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب} ✅ وقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم:((من غشنا فليس منا)) 🔴 ..#الاستعداد_للاختبارات — د. عبدالرحمن بخاري (@DrAAB1987) December 30, 2017 However difficult you find the exam, or if your memory […]
For every thing there is a sign
For every thing there is a sign, and the sign of failure is to abandon crying [out of the fear of Allaah].
Crying because of the fear of Allaah
It reached me that the Fire will not harm the area which has been touched by the tears [which flowed due to the fear of Allaah].
The true essence of khashyah
Indeed, khashyah is to have fear and apprehension of Allaah, such that your fear and apprehension of Him is a cause of preventing you from sin; that there is [the true essence of] khashyah.
The greatest tragedy
The greatest tragedy is the ‘death’ of our fear of Allaah whilst we are still alive.
Transgressing against Allaah
A lack of fear [of Allaah] is due to a lack of remorse in the heart [at transgressing against Allaah], just as a house which has not been lived in will deteriorate.
Whoever fears Allaah
Whoever fears Allaah, then no-one will be able to harm him, and whoever fears other than Allaah, then no-one will be able to benefit him.
I fear the situation will get worse
I fear the situation will get worse, and the people will forget the [Islaamic] ruling regarding music, such that if someone was to explain it [to them], they will reject it, and he will be labelled as being extreme.