Therefore, it is befitting for a person to fast a lot during [the month of] Sha’baan, following the example of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ
Tag: fasting
Fasting the day of ‘Arafah if it coincides with Friday
The Prophet ﷺ forbade fasting on Friday alone.
Maximising the reward when fasting six days in Shawwaal
The best of the days of the week on which to fast is Monday and Thursday.
Whilst fasting, he masturbated without ejaculating
A man masturbates during the day in Ramadhaan, but as he is ejaculating he holds his penis [firmly] so no semen comes out from it; is he required to have a bath [or take a shower]?
Making-up the missed fasts of Ramadhaan consecutively
If a Muslim does not fast for two consecutive days during Ramadhaan due to a [Islaamically] valid reason, then how should he make them up?
Taste the sweetness of obedience in worship
[In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ] it is recommended for the one fasting to eat dates for suhoor and iftaar.
Immense in reward, yet little in action
I do not know of a hadeeth which is so immense in reward, and [yet] little in action than the [following] hadeeth…
Allaah fills their heart with eemaan
[There are] three [categories of people] in whom [should these habits] exist, then Allaah fills their heart with eemaan…
He is not considered a traveller
That is because in both cities, he is with his family.
At the service of the Prophet ﷺ
When observing the case of ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), it’s difficult [to comprehend] that she delayed making-up the [missed] fasts [of the previous Ramadhaan] until Sha’baan. So the question arises, did she not fast the voluntary fasts which were encouraged?