Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: [And] many of them are very negligent [of their responsibility] towards their children. So you find he does not ask [his children] where did they go, and nor when they came [back], and nor who their friends are, and nor who their companions are. And nor […]
Tag: family
Sincere advice to a father who does not pray
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: And also, his father does not pray, and when he advises him, he says: “I know more than you.” So what do you advise I do with him? Response: You mean he does not even know about salaah?! He [claims] he knows more than him, and [yet he] does […]
Importance of al-Imaam an-Nawawee’s Forty Hadeeth
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq al-‘Abbaad – may Allaah protect and preserve him – mentioned on tape one of his explanation of al-Imaam an-Nawawee’s Forty Hadeeth: And here, I recall something novel which occurred…and that was about twenty years ago; [I held lessons where] I explained the Forty [Hadeeth of al-Imaam an-Nawawee] […]
The best charity is the charity given to a hostile relative
Reference: قال النبي ﷺ «أفضل الصدقة الصدقة على ذي الرحم الكاشح*» صحيح الترغيب، ٢٥٣٥ *القريب الذي تجد منه السوء، و أنت تبذل له الخير و النفع. — محمد أختر شودري (@AbuAbdullaah) July 18, 2022 Saheeh at-Targheeb, 2535 The Prophet ﷺ said: «The best charity is the charity given to a hostile* relative.» * the […]
Keep a watchful eye over them
So protect them upon the path of righteousness before they are lost to the paths of misguidance, and [in doing so] keep a watchful eye over them [to ensure they remain upon the path of righteousness], before you lose them.
He is not considered a traveller
That is because in both cities, he is with his family.
Harsh in character with his family
Why do many people have an element of severity [in their character] towards their wife and their children…
The smart and intelligent one
The smart and intelligent one is he who does not scrutinise every small and big issue with his family, loved ones, companions and neighbours.
Do not be negligent in waking up your family
There is not a people who fail to admonish those among them who are negligent in prayer, except that their first punishment will be a reduction in their sustenance.
Advice to the Muslim woman for Ramadhaan
The Muslim woman generally spends most of her time in the kitchen, busy preparing various types of food, so [as a result] she misses out on taking advantage of the time during the month of Ramadhaan [to increase in the worship of Allaah]. So do you have any advice for the Muslim woman [in this regard]?