He is saying: ‘Is it permissible for a person to eat what he has in his hand when the mu.adhin calls the adhaan [for Fajr]?’
Tag: eating
No, you’re not a scholar, but you have some knowledge
And don’t say “I am not a scholar.” Yes, you are not a scholar, but you have [some] knowledge.
Too much talking and too much eating
Two characteristics harden the heart: too much talking and too much eating.
Eating too much
Indeed, a man will certainly become full from speech (talking too much), just as he will become full from food (eating too much).
Eating or drinking whilst fasting
Is there any difference of opinion regarding the invalidation of the fast by eating and drinking?
Eating too much
It used to be said that eating too much diminishes [the ability] to express [one’s] understanding, and leads to hardness [of the heart] and [too much] sleep.