What is the ruling regarding delaying until 11am – [uttering] the [legislated] words of remembrance specific to the morning?
Tag: dhikr
Uttering words of remembrance a hundred times
O noble Shaykh, I utter the words of remembrance of Allaah a hundred times, so is this form of remembrance something which has been legislated or not?
Audibly uttering the words of remembrance
Is it a requirement that the words of remembrance are uttered audibly?
Engaging in the remembrance of Allaah
Is it permissible to engage in the remembrance of Allaah whilst not in a state of wudhoo – such as [when uttering the] takbeer [الله أكبر], tahleel [لا إله إلا الله] and tahmeed [الحمد لله], as well as sending prayers and salutations upon the Messenger ﷺ?
Engage in dhikr before praying the Sunnah prayer
I read [somewhere] that engaging in dhikr audibly after the obligatory prayer is a Sunnah; so what is the guiding rule regarding raising the voice [when doing so] since sometimes this causes inconvenience to those who are engaged in praying the Sunnah prayer?
Value of time
He would pass his time glorifying Allaah [saying: Subhaa-nAllaah] and seeking forgiveness from Allaah [saying: astaghfi-rullaah].