There are those who exploit the religion for their own advantage, specifically during the Gulf conflict [of 1991]. So what is your advice regarding that?
Tag: deen
The definition of the term “jaahiliyyah”
Indeed, the definition of the term “jaahiliyyah” is to say: It is the period which was before the Prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ.
Adhere to the Ahlul-Hadeeth
I heard ash-Shaafi’ee say: Adhere to the Ahlul-Hadeeth, for certainly they are the most correct people.
I found a particular aspect of Arabic grammar difficult
I found a particular aspect of Arabic grammar difficult, so I spent 80,000 dirhams in order to become proficient in it.
The sign of repentance is
The sign of repentance [is]: weeping at what has preceded, fear of falling into sin, leaving evil company and maintaining the company of the good.
Whoever abuses the religion and the Prophets
hat is the ruling regarding someone who abuses the religion or any of the prophets?
Defence of the Sunnah is more superior
Defence of the Sunnah is more superior than jihaad in the path of Allaah.
Do not waste this knowledge
‘Do not waste this knowledge [over] which we have laboured.’
I have never said to a muhaddith ‘repeat it to me’
I have never said to a muhaddith ‘repeat it to me’ and nor have my ears ever heard anything except that it has settled upon my heart (i.e. I have memorised it).
I have divided the night into three
Twice I travelled to [visit] at-Toosee in Toos, and I asked him when he would be free from compiling these many fataawa?