“O brothers! By Allaah I hope to become a millionaire so I can [help] relieve the thousands [of people] like this woman from the shackles of ribaa.”
Tag: children
How to teach our children the authentic ‘aqeedah
How do we teach our children the correct ‘aqeedah?
A welcoming and humble heart
He extended greetings to one child who recognised him, and who then gave the Shaykh a miswaak (tooth stick). The Shaykh accepted it, smiling with complete humility and a welcoming heart.
My young child insists on fasting despite his weak health
My young child insists on fasting [during] Ramadhaan despite it harming him due to his young age and weak health. So can I use harshness with him to break his fast?
He is responsible for him
It is befitting for a man to encourage his child in [seeking] knowledge, for certainly he is responsible for him
Pictures and drawings on children’s clothing
What is the ruling regarding pictures and drawings on children’s clothing, since these [children’s] clothes are not free from pictures?