Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Then, as for you O Father! Observe your children[’s activities] – [even] outside the home. Where did they go? Who do they mix with? Ask the teachers, and those responsible for [running] the school about the behaviour of your child, and [likewise] his tendencies, and about […]
Tag: children
They are the ones who will succeed you when you die
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Take care of your children. Your profitable ‘trade’ [with Allaah] is undoubtedly your children. If you nurture them [well], and [with] good guidance for them, then they are your real ‘trade’ with Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala). And they are the ones who [will] pray for you […]
Upholding your duty towards your children
Is the corruption of children [through poor nurturing considered as] a tribulation?
Valuable advice for parents on the advent of the new academic year
The academic year has just begun, and parents are eager to send their children to school…
Being observant of Allaah at all times
Many people habituate their child[ren] to keep away from undesirable things by using the word[s] ‘[That’s] shameful; don’t let the people see you [do that]. You’re letting the people see you [do that]’.
What distinguishes beneficial knowledge from other righteous deeds
However, beneficial knowledge continues and does not cease; its benefit continues, and [likewise] the reward for the one who conveyed it…
Are children a blessing or a curse?
When children are upon goodness, is this a blessing [from Allaah]; and when they are corrupt, are they a curse?
To those who are preoccupied with the life of this world
[Could you please offer] a word of guidance to those who are overly concerned [and preoccupied] with gathering wealth, and [in doing so] overlook [preparing for] the Hereafter?
Displays of love towards my parents
Is it permissible to kiss the [fore]head of a parent if he only prays sometimes or not at all?
Importance of righteous parenting
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Mu’aadh Khojah said: And indeed, from the greatest reasons for helping to improve the hereafter of the offspring is the righteousness of the parents; and in other words, [their setting] a good example. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala said: {…and their father had been righteous.}, soorah al-Kahf, aayah 82 […]