Forgive your brother; it will not benefit you that Allaah punishes your Muslim brother because of you.
Tag: brother
Increase in supplicating to Allaah
We therefore encourage our brothers to increase in supplicating to Allaah (’Azza wa Jall)…
An elevated level of manners
They are adversaries, yet he [refers to him as] “my brother”!
When advised by your Muslim brother
It is incumbent upon the one to whom advice has been given by his [Muslim] brother to bear the advice with good thoughts, and to thank him for his advice.
Breaking the fast with that which is haraam
A man fasts from that which is halaal and good, and breaks his fast with that which is haraam and bad; the flesh of his brother.
Assuming other than good of your brother
By Allaah! Allaah has venerated the sanctity of the believer, such that He has prohibited you from assuming other than good of your brother.
An indicator of the tenderness of a believer’s heart
From the indicators of the tenderness of a believer’s heart is that he feels pain at the mishap of his believing brother when he slips up, so much so that it is as if he himself is the one who has slipped up; and he [certainly] does not maliciously rejoice [at his brother’s lapse].
A true brother
So your brother is the one who [sincerely] advises you, reminds you, and warns you [against pursuing the path to desctruction].
A comprehensive book on ‘Aqeedah
Some of the brothers – who are not well-versed [on the topic] – have asked about a comprehensive book on ‘aqeedah that they can suffice with.
People who do not eat chicken
Abu Moosaa al-Ash’aree was eating chicken for lunch, and amongst the people was a man who was sitting, so Abu Moosaa called him over [to join him] for lunch…