That day, Ghundar brought out a sack of books, and said: ‘Do your best to find an error in them.’
Tag: books
From the books of Islaam
From the books of Islaam, I have not seen knowledge [content] of the likes of “al-Muhallaa” of Ibn Hazm, and the book “al-Mughnee” of Muwaffaq ad-Deen [Ibn Qudaamah].
All rights are not reserved
As for his asceticism (zuhd), then it is sufficient to know that all his books which have been printed with his permission are for noble charitable causes.
The sincere and humble Shaykh
May Allaah have mercy upon whoever indicates to me a mistake or defect of mine; for certainly, from that which is easy for me – by the Permission of Allaah – is to retract my mistakes once the error has been pointed out to me.
Burning books of sound knowledge
What is your advice – O Shaykh – to the one who burns these books, namely: “al-Qutbiyyah” and “Madaarik an-Nathar” and attacks their authors?
‘whilst he was still young…’
There he would remain until just before [the time of] Zhuhr, whereby he would descend, extend greetings and depart.
Students from Russia
These are your students. They used to read your books in shelters under the ground during the Communist rule.
When his house burnt down
Abu ‘Amr al-‘Alaa’s home was full of books. So when his house burnt down, all that we took from him (in terms of knowledge) thereafter until he died was from his memory
Usage of time
He was so careful about how he spent his time, to the extent that every second of his time had great value
Bequeathed his entire library to the Islaamic University of Madeenah
Because I have fond memories of it (the University) from the days when I was a teacher there.