So the presence of books among us and the proliferation of books and the variety of books – [then all of] this is undoubtedly good, but it is not enough…
Tag: books
A scholar encouraging others to benefit from him
Visit our YouTube channel for more Regarding Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’dee’s praise for his own book “al-Qawaa’id al-Hisaan”, Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: …then [I say] that his praise for his book is not strange, because the praise of the people of knowledge for their writings is not done intending pride or bragging to the people, rather, […]
Reading religious books whilst on her menses
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to read religious books and booklets which have some Qur.aanic verses in them?
His immense zeal and strength of purpose
an-Nawawee’s explanation of [Saheeh] Muslim…I have read* it more than 60 times.
A caution against books of the people of desires and innovations
Indeed, their tribulations came about from these books which they turned to, and left the narrations of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ and his companions.
No money to buy paper
I didn’t have any money to buy paper.
Recommended books of Fiqh for the lay-Muslim
What are the books of fiqh from which the lay-Muslim can benefit from?
He bequeathed his library
Abu Qilaabah (rahima-hullaah) died in ash-Shaam, and he had bequeathed [all] his books to Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee, so they were taken to him.
Writing books
Whoever authors [books], then he has placed his mind on a plate for display to the people.
Effacing pictures in books
Should the pictures [of humans and creatures] in books be effaced? And does marking [the picture with] a line across the neck suffice in alleviating the prohibition?