He is in the habit of visiting his relatives, and these relatives have some [things of a] reprehensible [nature] in their homes such as a satellite dish.
Tag: advice
Delivering short sermons of advice and reminders
We are students of knowledge, and we go to some of the masaajid and deliver short sermons of advice about death and other matters.
Delivering religious reminders at wedding celebrations
Is it legislated to [offer] people remind[ers about Islaam] during wedding celebrations, particularly since many people who are in attendance generally do not hear such reminders; and may Allaah reward you with good?
Advising the innovator
Is it permissible to keep the company of or talk to an innovator, or is it better to boycott him?
Advising the one who says “taqwa is here” and he continues to sin
What is your opinion regarding a man who is offered sincere advice, who then says “taqwa is here” and he points to his heart?
Being at the service of the Muslims
Resting is in being at the service of the Muslims.
The Shaykh advises President Gaddaffi of Libya
From amongst his noble actions was the time he called the President of Libya, Mu’ammar Gaddaffi, and informed him of the prohibition of removing the word “Qul” from the Soorahs [of the Qur.aan], and that pronouncing it was obligatory.
Do you know who the Shaykh is?
When the Shaykh entered the room, the youth stood up crying and kissed the Shaykh on the forehead.
Advised others to fulfill their trusts
…whereby he offered me some advice and guidance, and encouraged me to the trust [of my position] in respect to the education of the girls; to protect them and their affairs
Golden words
Know that both illness and good health do not come before or after their [decreed] time.