Spreading marital secrets

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Question: And this [one] is asking about the ruling regarding [a husband] spreading [marital] secrets of his wife, and the chats the two have had between themselves [talking] to his friends; very often he [even] talks about things which a person would be shy to mention?

Response: This is prohibited; the Messenger [of Allaah] ﷺ forbade this[1].

[Regarding] the secrets between a married couple, it is prohibited to spread them – neither the wife, nor the husband are to do so, [rather], it is obligatory to keep them private [between the two of them]..


«Verily, the most evil of people in the presence of Allaah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who was intimate with his wife and then spreads her secrets.» – Saheeh Muslim, no.1437

Translation originally published on 13 December, 2015

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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