If an officer is killed in a raid on a group of traffickers, is he a martyr? And what about those who help those officers to find the hideouts of traffickers, what is their reward?
Search Results for: jihaad
Using Zakaah funds to finish building a masjid
What is the ruling on using zakaah monies to finish builidng a masjid that is almost completed, and its construction may be halted [due to lack of funding]?
The Palestinian Issue
What is the way to proceed regarding the Palestinian issue, which has, as the days pass, escalated in terms of complexity and violence?
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh: Teachings of Shirk in the book -“Fadhaa.il A’maal” – Part 2
Tableeghi Jamaat: Teachings of Shirk in the Book -“Fadhaa.il A’maal” (popularly referred to as – ” Fazail Amal”) Part 2: Readings in “Fadhaa.il Namaaz” (virtues of prayer) and “Fadhaa.il Dhikr” (virtues of remembrance) Editors Introduction All praise is due to Allaah and prayers and peace upon the Messenger of Allaah. To proceed: Following the first […]
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh: Teachings of Shirk in the book -“Fadhaa.il A’maal” – Part 1
This paper which is the first in its series is being compiled in order to inform the Muslim who yearns and strives to know Islaam.
Ahmad an-Najmee
His Name and Lineage He is our noble Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Muhaddith, the Faqeeh, the present Muftee of the district of Jaazaan and the carrier of the Flag of the Sunnah and hadeeth in it – Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa Ibn Muhammad Ibn Shabeer an-Najmee Aali Shabeer from Banee Hummad, one of the well […]
Defence of the Sunnah is more superior
Defence of the Sunnah is more superior than jihaad in the path of Allaah.
Shaykh Muqbil getting better
Following our natural concern for the health of the Shaykh al-‘Allaamah Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee, I called Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee just a short time ago who assured me that Shaykh Muqbil was getting better. In accordance with the authentic hadeeth: «the water of Zam Zam is what it is drunk for» …the Shaykh […]
Attacking the enemy by blowing oneself up in a car
What is the ruling regarding acts of jihaad by means of suicide, such as attaching explosives to a car and storming the enemy, whereby he knows without a doubt that he shall die as a result of this action?
Islaamic nasheed
Is Islaamic inshaad (singing/chanting) permissible for men? And is it permissible to accompany inshaad with the playing of the duff? Is inshaad permissible for other than ‘Eeds and parties?