Defence of the Sunnah is better than jihaad in the Path of Allaah.
Search Results for: jihaad
Seize the opportunity to study
Seize opportunity to study at [Madeenah] University, and don’t give anything precedence over it, even if it is jihaad.
The etiquettes of advising the parents
Does advising the parents against detested speech or actions encroach upon their rights upon us?
Islam Against Terrorism
Islam Against Terrorism – v1.33
Making wudhoo whilst having a false foot
My foot was cut off whilst in jihaad and in its place I put a manufactured foot, so is it obligatory upon me to wash it [during wudhoo] and pass my hand over it if I am wearing a sock?
Qaadiyaaniyyah | Qadiani or Qadiyani
By the concensus of the scholars, the Qaadiyaaniyyah are a kaafir sect which assumes the name of Islaam to cover up its real evil aims and goals, and its corrupted ‘aqeedah, of which the most dangerous aspect being the calling to and belief in the prophethood of their founder.
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh | Tablighi Jamat
The da’wah of the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh is based upon spreading the merits of Islaam to everyone they are able to reach. This entails it’s adherents to give up some of their time to go out and spread and propogate the da’wah keeping well away from political and partisan issues.
عن الجهاد في الفلسطين
عن الجهاد في الفلسطين
Grand Mufti: ‘Crush terror mercilessly’
Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti yesterday reiterated Islam’s total opposition to terror and called upon the world’s decision-makers and politicians to do justice to the Islamic nation. Delivering his annual sermon to nearly two million pilgrims who had assembled on the plain of Arafat, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh emphasized that terror and violence must be “mercilessly” […]
Council of Senior Scholars back Government crackdown on terrorists
Source: Arab News The Kingdom’s highest Islamic authority yesterday denounced terror attacks in the Kingdom, describing them as “serious criminal acts,” and pledged its full support for the government. “Acts of sabotage such as bombings, murder and destruction of property are serious criminal acts and an aggression against innocent people… which warrant severe and deterrent […]