Is a hermaphrodite to be treated as a female, bearing in mind his affair has not yet become clear ? And are all the rulings which are applicable to a woman [likewise] applicable to him?
Search Results for: beard
The hairs which grow below the bottom lip
With regard to the hairs [which grow] below the bottom lip, are they regarded as part of the beard?
I saw you with my own eyes talking to him
The Shaykh answered his question, and the man began to cry, supplicating for the Shaykh.
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh: Teachings of Shirk in the book -“ A’maal” – Part 1
This paper which is the first in its series is being compiled in order to inform the Muslim who yearns and strives to know Islaam.
Going to beaches where there is nudity and free-mixing
On the beaches there are thousands of women who are literally naked, and where men mix freely with women. I am a bearded man, so is it permissible for me to go there and sit by the sea, or not?
Applying perfume on ihraam before making intention
What is the ruling regarding applying perfume on the ihraam before making the intention and the talbiyah?