Reference: Fataawa Noor ‘alad-Darb – Question No.6444, Pages 273-274, Volume 12
Question: Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) blessed me and my brothers to embrace the religion of Islaam; and [so] my question is: What are the rights of non-Muslim parents upon their Muslim children? And likewise [the rights of] their siblings and relatives – in terms of visiting them and spending on them and maintaining the ties [of kinship]; and when does spending on them become obligatory, and when is it recommended?
Response: That which is obligatory upon the Muslim child towards his [non-Muslim] parents is to honour them in worldly related matters, as Allaah (Tabaaraka wa Ta’aala) says:
So Allaah (Ta’aala) has commanded us to accompany non-Muslim parents in this world with kindness; so we spend on them and clothe them, and give them gifts; along with that, we also invite them to [embrace] Islaam, and perhaps Allaah will bless their hearts with [a yearning to] Islaam, until they embrace [Islaam].
And likewise is the case with [ties of] kinship, meaning relatives, i.e. those who are not Muslims. So there is kinship [between you and them], the ties of which must be maintained, and [likewise] these relatives are [also] to be invited to [embrace] Islaam, and perhaps Allaah will open their hearts to it.