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Question: Noble Shaykh, what is the ruling regarding reciting the Qur.aan to musical notes?
Response: We seek refuge in Allaah from that; it is not permissible to recite the Qur.aan in a composition and render it as a song.
The Soofiyyah use these notes for [their] songs, and it is not permissible to recite the Qur.aan according to them, and nor is it permissible to adopt the Qur.aan in song-form.
Rather it is to be recited as the Prophet ﷺ and his companions, and the people of knowledge would recite it.
As for reciting it [in a song-like manner] like the Soofiyyah, and the innovators, and the singers, then this is prohibited.
Translation originally published on 13 April, 2015