Praying with complete submission and humility


Question: When praying, some people do not do so with complete submission and humility, so does this [in any way] reduce their reward?

Response: And how does he know that about them?! [The matter of praying with] complete submission and humility is something between the worshipper and his Lord, [so] how does he know [such-and-such] is not [praying with] complete submission and humility?

[That said] however, [know that] complete submission and humility is the soul and essence of the prayer, and so the Muslim is required to pray with complete submission and humility, [as Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) says]:

{Certainly will the believers have succeeded; they who are during their prayer humbly submissive.} – soorah al-Mu.minoon, aayahs 1-2

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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