أدركت بعض العامة لا يأكلون #الدجاج ،
ثم وجدت في #صحيح_البخاري (٤٣٨٥) ، عن زهدم :
" أن أبا موسى الأشعري كان يتغدى دجاجًا،
وفي القوم رجل جالس، فدعاه أبو موسى إلى الغداء ،
فقال : إني رأيته يأكل شيئا فقذرته !
فقال أبو موسى: هَلُمَّ .. فإني رأيت النبي ﷺ يأكله ".— سلطان العيد (@sultanal3eed) January 29, 2018
Shaykh Sultaan al-‘Eed said:
I have met some people who do not eat chicken, and then I found [the following narration] in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (no.4385), on the authority of Zahdam:
Abu Moosaa al-Ash’aree was eating chicken for lunch, and amongst the people was a man who was sitting, so Abu Moosaa called him over [to join him] for lunch.
So he said: “I had seen it eat something [dirty], and so I detested [to eat] it.”
So Abu Moosaa said to him: “Come here [and eat], for indeed I saw the Prophet ﷺ eat it.”