15th Sha’baan 1446 = The night of Thursday 13th, and the day of Friday 14th February, 2025
- About the ahaadeeth relating to 15th Sha’baan
- Celebrating the 15th night of Sha’baan
- Fasting the 15th day of Sha’baan and the day of doubt
- Specifying the day of the 15th of Sha’baan by fasting or reciting the Qur.aan or performing voluntary prayers
- Standing the night of the 15th of Sha’baan in prayer and fasting during it’s day
- Giving charity specifically on the night of 15th of Sha’baan
- Lighting-up of the masjid and it’s beautification on special occasions
- No firm hadeeth exists
- Fatwa Focus: Sha’baan