كيف أنصح وأنا مقصر؟!
كلمة يرددها الكثير ..!!قال الحافظ ابن رجب -رحمه الله-:
" لو لم يعظ إلا معصوم من الزلل لم يعظ الناس بعد رسول الله ﷺ أحد؛
لأنه لا عصمة لأحد بعده "."لطائف المعارف" (19)
— د خالد بن قاسم الردادي (@kradd2) April 2, 2018
Lataa.if al-Ma’aarif – p19
Shaykh Khaalid ibn Qaasim ar-Raddaadee said:
How do I advise [others] when I [myself] err?!
…a question which is oft-repeated by many!!
al-Haafiz Ibn Rajab said:
If none but the one who is free from mistakes was to advise, then no-one after the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ would advise, because none after him ﷺ was protected from [falling into] error.