من البر بالأب:
قال التابعي الجليل عبدالله بن محيريز -رحمه الله- : "من مشى بين يدي أبيه فقد عَقَّهُ إلا أن يمشي فيميط الأذى عن طريقه،
ومن دعا أباه باسمه أو بكنيته فقد عَقَّهُ إلا أن يقول: يا أبت"."الزهد" لأحمد رقم(٢٢٩٩)
— د خالد بن قاسم الردادي (@kradd2) November 1, 2019
az-Zuhd li-Ahmad, no.2299
‘Abdullaah ibn Muhayreez said:
Whoever walks in front of his father, then he has disobeyed him, unless he walked [ahead] to remove [any] harm from his path.
And whoever calls his father by his name or his kunyah (nickname), then he has disobeyed him, unless he called him [by saying]: ‘O my father’.