من اشتغل بحوائج الناس أعانه الله على حوائجه الخاصة، عكس ما نتصور نحن أننا إذا اشتغلنا بحوائج الناس اشتغلنا عن حوائجنا الخاصة، ولكن إذا اشتغلت بحوائج الناس بارك الله لك في عملك وفي عمرك وأعانك على مهماتك، ففي هذا حثّ واضح على قضاء حوائج الناس.
شرح صحيح البخاري
(٩/ ٣٦٧) #ابن_عثيمين— الإمام ابن عثيمين. (@Binothaymeen) February 26, 2022
Sharh Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, v9/p367
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:
Whoever busies himself with [helping fulfil] the needs of the people, Allaah will aid him in [fulfilling] his personal needs.
[This is] contrary to what we imagine when we become busy with [helping fulfil] the needs of the people, and are [too] busy for our own personal needs.
However, if we are busy with [helping fulfil] the needs of the people, Allaah blesses our work and our life, and aids us in our tasks.
So therein is a clear encouragement to [help] fulfil the needs of the people.