قال الإمام مجاهد بن جبر -رحمه الله-:
"الفقيه من خاف الله وإن قل علمه،
والجاهل من عصى الله وإن كثر علمه ".
"البداية و النهاية" (9/٢٥٥)
— د خالد بن قاسم الردادي (@kradd2) February 10, 2018
al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah – v9, p255
al-Imaam Mujaahid ibn Jabar (rahima-hullaah) said:
The jurist (الفقيه) is one who fears Allaah, even if his knowledge is little.
And the ignoramus[1] (الجاهل) is one who sins against [the command of] Allaah, even if his knowledge is a lot.
Translator’s note:
[1] Because his knowledge has not benefited him