Eating and drinking at the adhaan of Fajr

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Question: May Allaah reward you. He is saying: ‘Is it permissible for a person to eat what he has in his hand when the mu.adhin calls the adhaan [for Fajr]?’

Response: As for drinking, the preponderant opinion is that it is when the mu.adhin calls the adhaan and the [drinking] vessel is [already] in his hand.

I would like to point out something here.

‘The [drinking] vessel is [already] in his hand’ means that the person lifted the [drinking] vessel to drink [from]. [I say this] because I have seen some of the students of knowledge hold the [drinking] vessel and wait, and when the adhaan is called, they drink. They say: ‘the [drinking] vessel is [already] in my hand.’ [Doing] this is not correct.

Rather, it is when a person lifts [a drinking vessel of] water to drink [from] because he needed to drink. He lifted the [drinking] vessel. When he lifted the [drinking] vessel, the mu.adhin said: ‘Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar’ – [so] drink; [this is] a concession from Allaah.

However, if the [drinking] vessel is on the ground [or the table], you are not permitted to lift it [to drink from].

As for lifting the [drinking] vessel before [the adhaan], in anticipation of the adhaan then when the adhaan is called – you are not permitted to drink [from it]. This is mentioned in an authentic hadeeth[1].

As for eating, [then] there is no [legal] text [from the Qur.aan or the Sunnah] regarding it, and it is not the same as drinking.

Therefore, that which I am of the opinion is that even if the morsel [of food] is in the mouth and the mu.adhin calls the adhaan, it should be spat out and not be swallowed.


[1] Abu Hurayrah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu’) said: The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said:

«If one of you hears the call (to prayer) and the vessel is still in his hand, let him not put it down until he finished with it.» – Transmitted by Ahmad no.10251, Abu Daawood no.2350 – classified as saheeh by al-Albaanee in Saheeh Abu Daawood.

Translation originally published on 19 March, 2025

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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