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Question: [O] Noble Shaykh Saalih, do you have any word[s] of guidance to the one who is disobedient to his parents, especially the mother.
[I ask] since I am suffering from the disobedience of my daughter for more than ten years; she has not telephoned [me], and I do not know anything about her.
Response: Disobedience [towards the parents] is [a] grave [sin] from the major sins; it follows [on in order of severity] after shirk – because it is the right of the parent, which comes after the right of Allaah:
– as mentioned in many [other] aayaat.
So disobedience [towards one’s parents] is [a] grave [sin] from the major sins, and it is obligatory upon the child – whether male or female – to repent to Allaah; if they are disobedient to their parents, they should repent to Allaah.
And to return to honouring [and respecting] their parents and seek forgiveness from them for what has [come to] pass from them [towards their parents].
Translation originally published on 30 March, 2015