والله لو علم أهل السنة أن حبيبهم-صلى الله عليه وسلم-يحب إقامة مولده:ما سبقهم إليه أحد،ولأقاموه كل يوم
لقد علموا أنه يحب اتباعه واجتناب البدع— أ.د. صالح سندي (@Drsalehs) January 12, 2014
By Allaah! If Ahlus-Sunnah knew their beloved [Prophet] ﷺ loved his birthday [to] be celebrated, none would have preceded them in it; they would celebrate it every day!
Rather, they know [instead] he loved adherence to him (his teachings) and refraining from innovations.