How is it that you do not supplicate against those who oppress you, and backbite you, and slander you!!?
Category: Supplication
Should you remember me, then supplicate for me
O my brother, the benefit of getting together is [that it reminds us] to supplicate [for one another].
Supplicating for your teacher
[When] I supplicate to Allaah, I make specific mention of [Imaam] ash-Shaafi’ee [in my supplication].
Praying for his brothers in their absence
Abu ad-Dardaa had 360 companions [with each of whom he had established a very dear and close friendship] for the Sake of Allaah; and he would supplicate to Allaah for [each and every one of] them in his salaah.
I love you for the sake of Allaah
«O Mu’aadth, indeed I love you for the Sake of Allaah»
Sincere and genuine trust in Allaah alone
at-Tawakkul (complete and total trust) in Allaah [alone] is intertwined with eemaan.
Patience in supplicating to Allaah
I haven’t ever been consumed by anger, and for the past twenty years I have sought [a cure for] a need from Allaah, and [in His ultimate wisdom] He hasn’t cured me, yet I have not tired in supplicating [to Him].
Engaged in supplicating to Allaah
I saw Taawoos and his companions; having prayed the ‘asr [prayer], they faced the [direction of] the qiblah and did not speak to anyone, [instead] they [engaged individually in] supplicating [to Allaah].
The Prophet’s prayer for Sa’d ibn Abee Waqqaas
«O Allaah, respond to [the supplication of] Sa’d when he supplicates to you»
The power of supplication
I entered upon al-Jarraah, and he raised his hands, and [likewise] the leaders [around him too] raised their hands – and they remained [like this] for a long while.