There is evidence here that the water of Zam Zam benefits the drinker for whatever reason he drinks it for – whether it is for the affairs of this world or the hereafter…
Category: Supplication
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak
Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak, and it is from the delights of the Prophets and the sincere, and with it they seek [aid from Allaah] to ward off all harm.
The best of all acts of worship
Extending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet is the best of [all] acts of worship, because Allaah (Ta’aala) Himself has done so and [so too have] His angels…
You will not be disappointed
[For] every supplication you make to your Lord, you will not be disappointed…
Presuming good of Allaah and reliance upon Him
My father (rahima-hullaah) was on the roof of the masjid repairing one of the drain pipes, when one of the passers by asked him…
O Allaah forgive whomsoever oppressed me
Oh Abaa Sa’eed, indeed I heard you supplicating this night for the ones who oppressed you, until I wished to be amongst them. What led you to do this?
Increasing in prayers and salutations upon the Prophet on Friday
Reference: اللهم صل على محمد وأزواجه وذريته، كما صليت على آل إبراهيم، وبارك على محمد وأزواجه وذريته، كما باركت على آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد.وهذه صيغة في البخاري — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr Alqaryooti (@alqaryooti) December 14, 2017 Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: [Regarding increasing in sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ […]
The remembrance of Allaah
The remembrance of Allaah (dhikr) incorporates…
Tears falling on the mat during prayer
I used to hear the tears of Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-’Azeez falling on the mat whilst [he was] in prayer.
The true essence of khashyah
Indeed, khashyah is to have fear and apprehension of Allaah, such that your fear and apprehension of Him is a cause of preventing you from sin; that there is [the true essence of] khashyah.