From the signs of a relapse [in your eemaan] is that…
Category: Sins
Seek repentance, regularly
It is not befitting for the believer to begin the day or the evening except in a state of repentance, for indeed he does not know when death may strike – [whether] in the morning or the evening.
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man is that he knows of a shortcoming in himself…
What people say about you
What people say about you should not sadden you, for if it is false, then it is [recorded as] a reward [for you] that you did not [actually] do…
Knows Shaytaan, yet obeys him
[What is] astonishing is that a person knows his Lord, yet disobeys Him, …and knows Shaytaan, yet obeys him!
Preoccupied with regret
Being preoccupied with regret over time which has [since] passed is a waste of the present time.
We are all sinful
We are all sinful, and we wash our hearts [of them] with the ‘soap’ of repentance.
From the characteristics of those who are truthful
The truthful person [is one who] restricts his speech, food, sleep, and mixing with others [to only that which is necessary]…
A time of great trials and tribulations
[As an ummah], we are in a time of great trials and tribulations, and nothing can save us from these trials and tribulations except Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, and thereafter beneficial knowledge.
The people who err the most
Indeed, the people who err the most, are those who engage the most in mentioning the mistakes of others.