…he would cry until he was overcome with tears.
Category: Religion
I fear the situation will get worse
I fear the situation will get worse, and the people will forget the [Islaamic] ruling regarding music, such that if someone was to explain it [to them], they will reject it, and he will be labelled as being extreme.
Watch what you eat
I advise you not to visit the rulers, and watch what you eat, [so you are certain] it is not haraam.
How are you this morning?
[With] death approaching me, [I am] far from [what] I [had] hoped [for myself], [and] my [good] deeds are insufficient.
The best of actions
The best of actions [are those that] oppose personal desire.
He was the most humblest of all the people
He would teach the people and have them read the Qur.aan to him. And when they would finish, he would [turn to] occupy himself in prayer.
How are you this morning?
How can one be in the morning when his Lord demands he fulfill [his] religious obligations, and…
The perishers
The ignorant one is dead, and the forgetful one is asleep, and the sinner is intoxicated, and the one who insists [upon remaining so] will perish.
A believer will never be complete until…
A believer will never be complete until he prefers his religion over his desires, and he will never perish until he prefers his desires over his religion.
May Allaah nobilify you
Yes, [and] he should intend by it [his embracing] Islaam.