Do not imprison your mind inside your party (group).
Category: Religion
The problem however, is…
It is not a problem that some of the Muslims today are ignorant about their religion, because this [condition] can be treated (rectified) with knowledge…
Who are the Ahl ar-Rayb?
The righteous will pass away, and the Ahl ar-Rayb will remain…
The importance of tawheed in our lives
The study of tawheed from the cradle to the grave.
You must aid the truth
If you see a person upon truth, and another upon falsehood, then you must aid the truth and warn against the falsehood, otherwise [it is as if] you are dead; you do not know [that which is] good and do not detest [that which is] evil.
Seeking aid with khashyah in Allaah
It used to be said the believer has never sought aid in his religion with [anything] like khashyah of Allaah.
Victory against the oppressors
Indeed, a person will be victorious and will defeat and overcome [his enemy] by following [the guidance and example of] the messengers.
Obedience to Allaah alone
There is no Islaam except with unity, and there is no unity except with leadership, and there is no leadership except with obedience [to Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall)].
Behave yourself!
You must protect [your religion and your homeland from any such ridicule], and behave yourself.
Defended the Sahaabah, then died and was buried alongside the Sahaabah
Shaykh Ihsaan Ilaahee Zaheer spent his life defending the Sahaabah; when he was injured by the bomb explosion, he was brought to Saudi Arabia for treatment and died here. He was buried in al-Baqee’ [graveyard – in Madeenah] along with the Sahaabah.