So some of his students said: ‘it appears the teacher is a Wahhaabee!
Category: Religion
Reading the horoscope pages
[That being the case], then his prayer will not be accepted for 40 days.
There are many who speak without sound knowledge
Indeed, we are in a time when there are many who speak without sound knowledge, and because of this…
No honour except with Islaam
And if we lose it, then we have lost ourselves and incurred the Anger of Allaah.
Working for a living
Some of the companions saw a strong young man racing to his job, and they remarked: ‘If [him going to work] was in the Path of Allaah…’
The reward of doing a good deed
And when Allaah accepts [a good deed] from His worshipper, He then blesses hm with obedience [to Him], and diverts him [away] from [falling into] sin.
They spoke for the honour of Islaam
Because they spoke for the honour of Islaam, and the salvation of the soul, and the pleasure of Allaah.
The pace at which time passes today
For indeed we find in the pace at which days pass that which we did not find during the time before this time of ours [today] – even if there was no comfort living [back] then..
Incapable of financially supporting his wife
“If the husband is incapable of financially supporting [his wife], then it is permissible for her to seek a divorce.”
No firm hadeeth exists
The scholars of hadeeth said “there is no hadeeth related to the [virtue of the night of] 15th of Sha’baan which is authentic.