The truthful person [is one who] restricts his speech, food, sleep, and mixing with others [to only that which is necessary]…
Category: Religion
The people of truth do not lie
By Allaah, we would never lie, and nor did we know what lying was.
Writing loan agreements
Allaah has commanded [us] to write all loan agreements, due to the great need to write them.
The one who safeguards himself the most
The one who safeguards himself the most, is the one who protects his tongue the most [from false and idle speech]…
Do not be misled by the actions of the people
Do not be misled by the actions of the people, because the actions of the people could be based upon [their] ignorance.
The people would have all perished
If it were not for the scholars transmitting the knowledge, and teaching the people – generation after generation, the people would have all perished.
Falsely accused of being one of them
And [so], I remained like that until this day, and despite that, I was tormented as a result of these [people], and falsely accused of being one of them.
They say it is an innovation
That is because if there was any good in it, then they would have preceded us in it, since they did not leave any good practice except that they hastened to it.
The religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time
…[so] the religion will disappear a Sunnah at a time, just as a rope loses its strength little by little.
If a Prophet comes to you…
“If a Prophet comes to you seeking the hand of your daughter [in marriage], then marry her to him!”