Whoever resembles Allaah with His creation, then he has disbelieved.
Category: Religion
Medicine, a third of knowledge
ash-Shaafi’ee grieved at how the Muslims had neglected [the knowledge of] medicine
The knowledge of medicine
After [the knowledge of] halaal and haraam, I do not know of any knowledge more noble than [the knowledge of] medicine, particularly since the people of the Book are better versed than us in it.
The easier of the two
«Never was Ibn Sumayyah given a choice between two [permissible] matters, except that he would choose the easier of the two»
The most authentic book after the Book of Allaah
In Islaam, after the Book of Allaah, we do not know of any book more authentic than the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik.
Using the least amount of water doing wudhoo
I have not seen anyone use the least amount of water purifying himself [doing wudhoo] than [Imaam] ash-Shaafi’ee.
Attaining the sweetness of worship
Having worshiped Allaah for 50 years, I had not found (experienced) the sweetness of worship until I left three things…
The sweetness of worship
You will not find (experience) the sweetness of worship until you place a barrier between you and your desires.
When Allaah wishes good for his worshipper
«When Allaah wishes good for his worshipper, he uses him»
Fear Allaah!
Whoever fears Allaah, [then] no-one will harm him; and whoever fears other than Allaah, [then] no-one will benefit him.