In Islaam, after the Book of Allaah, we do not know of any book more authentic than the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik.
Category: Qur.aan
Sleeping a little at night
al-Haafith ‘Abdul-Ghanee visited me in Asbahaan, and [whilst here] he would only sleep a little at night; instead [spending most of his time] praying and reciting [the Qur.aan] or weeping.
Tomorrow is the Day of Judgement
I saw Safwaan ibn Sulaym, and [such was the level of his worship, that] if it was said to him ‘tomorrow is [the Day of] Judgement’, he would be unable to do any more than what he was already doing.
Daily Qur.aan recitation routine
[It was the habit of] Muhammad ibn Seereen [that he] would set aside seven parts of the Qur.aan [to read], and if he missed any during the night, he would [be sure to] read it during the day.
Love of Allaah and His Messenger
Love of Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall entails love of the Qur.aan, and love of the Messenger ﷺ entails acting in accordance with his Sunnah.
Love of the Qur.aan
Whoever wishes to know whether he loves Allaah and His Messenger, then he should [ponder and] reflect; if he loves the Qur.aan, then [this indicates] he loves Allaah and His Messenger.
Indicative of its importance
…whenever Allaah swears by something, it is indicative of its importance and great benefit.
Ibn Taymiyyah in prison
Ibn Taymiyyah completed the recitation of the Qur.aan 80 times whilst in al-Qal’ah prison, in Damascus
The World Cup
How many prayers have been abandoned by those following World Cup football matches, even in Ramadhaan, the month of the Qur.aan!!
Hiding his daily routine from others
My father would not sleep [at night] until he had read half of the Qur.aan, and when he finished his recitation, he would wrap himself in his cloak then take a short nap.