He memorised Soorah al-An’aam in his youth, after he had read it only once.
Category: Qur.aan
Memorised the Qur.aan
Abu Waa.il Shaqeeq ibn Salamah (died 82 A.H.) memorised the Qur.aan in 2 months.
A strong memory
I have never memorised anything and then forgotten it.
Relentless weeping
I was unable to listen to the recitation of ath-Thowree due to his relentless weeping.
My health has forsaken me
My health has forsaken me, and I have become weak, and my bones are bruised, [yet] today I [still] stand for prayer, but am only able to recite [soorahs] al-Baqarah and Aal-‘Imraan.
A dead heart
Never have those who enjoy, enjoyed; And never have their hearts sought to fly with anything like the beautiful recitation of the Qur.aan. And any heart which does not love the beautiful recitation of the Qur.aan is a dead heart.
A quarter every day
It was narrated about ‘Urwah ibn Zubayr that he would read a quarter (just over seven ajzaa) of the Qur.aan every day.
He did not make a single mistake
One of the teachers at the Jam’iyyah Tahfeeth al-Qur.aan al-Kareem in Madeenah recited from the beginning of Soorah al-Baqarah to the end of Soorah al-‘Israa.
Conscious and fearful of Allaah
The best of the people in reciting the Qur.aan is he who, when he recites, you see (feel) he is conscious and fearful of Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall).
A third of the Qur.aan
I spent the night [at the house of] Ibn ‘Ulayyah, [during which] he read a third of the Qur.aan.