Naafi’ reports that if Ibn ‘Umar (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhumaa) missed the ‘ishaa prayer in congregation, he would remain awake the rest of the night standing in prayer.
Category: Prayer
Attaining the sweetness of worship
Having worshiped Allaah for 50 years, I had not found (experienced) the sweetness of worship until I left three things…
Always ready for the prayer
Never has the time for salaah arrived, except that I had been longing for it.
Entering the masjid
Never have I passed through a door of the masjid and had other than Allaah on my mind.
When the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah arrived
When the 10 days [of Dhul-Hijjah] arrived, Sa’eed ibn Jubayr would exert himself intensely [in worship] to such an extent that he was almost unable to continue.
Safeguarding the prayer in congregation
From the greatest righteous acts by which men can draw near to Allaah, is to safeguard the[ir] prayer in congregation.
That which breeds most of the difficulties which befall the people
Whoever remembers Allaah, He will remember him, respond to his supplication, protect him from whisperings of Shaytaan, and alleviate his difficulties.
Prayer mats with images
On 7 Rajab 1414, when asked about sitting on prayer mats upon which are images of al-Masjid al-Haraam and [al-Masjid] al-Aqsaa, Shaykh Ibn Baaz said: It is most appropriate to leave [doing so].
The best of prayers
«The [prayer which is considered to be the] best of prayers to Allaah is [the] morning (Fajr) prayer in congregation on the day of Jumu’ah»
He would weep
If Sa’eed ibn Abdil-Azeez [ever] missed the congregational prayer, he would weep.