[All of] his time would be filled with worship and [the reading of] set portions [of the Qur.aan].
Category: Prayer
Disciplined and consistent
His set portion [of worship] every night was [to pray] twenty rak’ahs whilst at home and [also when on] travels. And when he would be done with them, he would write thirty five pages of his book.
So be patient
How is it that you do not supplicate against those who oppress you, and backbite you, and slander you!!?
Praying for his brothers in their absence
Abu ad-Dardaa had 360 companions [with each of whom he had established a very dear and close friendship] for the Sake of Allaah; and he would supplicate to Allaah for [each and every one of] them in his salaah.
I love you for the sake of Allaah
«O Mu’aadth, indeed I love you for the Sake of Allaah»
Engaged in supplicating to Allaah
I saw Taawoos and his companions; having prayed the ‘asr [prayer], they faced the [direction of] the qiblah and did not speak to anyone, [instead] they [engaged individually in] supplicating [to Allaah].
My father
If you were not from my family I would not have told you this about my father; he was steadfast in fasting every other day for forty years, and he would [also] pray the fajr prayer with the ‘ishaa prayer.
He would still pray every day and night
My father would pray 300 rak’ahs every day and night, and when he became ill from having been whipped, it weakened him. [Thereafter], he would [only be able to] pray 150 rak’ahs every day and night.
Prolonging the prayer
‘Ubaydullaah ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ‘Utbah would prolong his prayer, and would never hasten it for anyone!
I would sit there weeping at what I saw
[My husband], Masrooq would pray until his feet swelled, and sometimes I would sit there weeping at what I saw him doing.