In Islaam, [extending the greeting of] as-salaam [‘alaykum] is with the tongue, and the shaking of hands is an extra good deed…
Category: Manners
When free time is combined with ignorance
When free time is combined with ignorance of the rulings of the Sharee’ah, then it produces the likes of this prohibited deed…
Backbiting and gossiping about the faults of others
Do not think [for a moment] that Allaah is negligent about what the oppressors do, rather He will place someone over him who will deal with him just as he deals with the people.
Joking in speech is like salt in food
Joking in speech is like salt in food; if it is lacking or more than necessary, then it is disliked/reprehensible.
Sisters, “the brother-in-law is death”!
He ﷺ said: «Beware of entering upon women.»
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man
From the greatest of calamities to befall a man is that he knows of a shortcoming in himself…
Studying and busying yourself with seeking knowledge
Studying and busying [oneself] with [seeking] knowledge is [a means to] affirming that which is present [of knowledge] and acquiring that which has been lost [of knowledge].
Be patient
Man has not been blessed with anything better than patience…
‘Umar’s Advice for Winter
When Winter would arrive, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhu) would be mindful to write to them (the Companions), advising them all…
What people say about you
What people say about you should not sadden you, for if it is false, then it is [recorded as] a reward [for you] that you did not [actually] do…