So if the Prophet ﷺ forbade cursing the rooster because it awakens [us] for the [morning] prayer…
Category: Manners
Always ask Allaah to make you blessed
It is befitting that a person always asks Allaah to make him blessed – wherever he may be…
A reminder for the believer
During hardship, the believer is commanded with patience and acceptance, and when [having committed] sins, to seek forgiveness and repentance.
Teaching precedes disciplining
Many people are overcome with protective jealousy (الغَيْرَة) to start with disciplining before teaching!
I am teaching her the Qur.aan
Do not be alone with a woman; even if you were to say: ‘I am teaching her the Qur.aan.’
Most of the sins are borne of…
Most of the sins are borne of idle speech and looking [at that which is prohibited]…
Leave that which preoccupies you away from Allaah
Reference: Madaarij as-Saalikeen – v2, p9 Abu Sulaymaan ad-Daaraanee said about asceticism: It is to leave that which preoccupies you [away] from Allaah.
Supplication for the parents
The supplication you make for your parents during the taraaweeh or tahajjud prayer is better by far than you slaughtering 10 camels [in their names].
Even if we dislike remaining in our homes
And it is obligatory upon us – even if we dislike remaining in our homes – [to remain indoors]…
Important Advice to the Students of Knowledge
My advice to the students of knowledge everywhere is to stand [firm] in a single line behind the[ir] Muslim leaders with respect to the precautionary measures [they have introduced] to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic.