If Khaleel ibn Ahmad al-Furaahaydee benefited someone with something, he would not let it be known that he benefited him…
Category: Manners
Due to their wicked character
If Allaah intends evil for the people [due to their wicked character], He opens for them [the door to] argumentation and denies them [righteous] action[s].
Essential attributes of the Scholar
The scholar is not he who [just] knows about the good and the bad, rather, the scholar is he who knows about the good and adheres to it, [just as he] knows of the bad and refrains from it.
Four thousand men on horseback welcomed him
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa. – Volume 12, Page 437 Muhammad ibn Ya’qoob ibn al-Akhram said: I heard my colleagues saying: When al-Bukhaaree entered Neesaaboor, four thousand men on horseback welcomed him, in addition to those riding mules and donkeys and [those who came] on foot.
Talking about the secrets of your brother
Indeed [it is considered] from deceit to talk about the secret[s] of your brother.
That I die and am resurrected is more beloved to me
That I die and am resurrected, then die and am [again] resurrected, then die and am [yet again] resurrected is more beloved to me than to see the ‘awrah of a Muslim, and for him to see mine.
The desire for the heart to be enlightened
It used to be said: Whoever desires his heart be enlightened, then he should reduce [the intake of] his food.
His desires get the better of him
It is not befitting of the believer, that [thought of] his stomach (food) commands his attention the most, and that his desires get the better of him.
Speaking too much and eating too much
[There are] two things that harden the heart: speaking too much and eating too much.
Total control over hunger
He who has total control over his stomach (hunger), attains total control over [the ability to perform] all righteous actions.