Reference: قال النبي ﷺ «أفضل الصدقة الصدقة على ذي الرحم الكاشح*» صحيح الترغيب، ٢٥٣٥ *القريب الذي تجد منه السوء، و أنت تبذل له الخير و النفع. — محمد أختر شودري (@AbuAbdullaah) July 18, 2022 Saheeh at-Targheeb, 2535 The Prophet ﷺ said: «The best charity is the charity given to a hostile* relative.» * the […]
Category: Manners
No, you’re not a scholar, but you have some knowledge
And don’t say “I am not a scholar.” Yes, you are not a scholar, but you have [some] knowledge.
How beautiful silence is in sensitive matters
How beautiful silence is in sensitive matters; for how many [people] have we seen whose words have ruined them…
The most obscene of gossipmongers
Reference: نصيحتي لكل طالب علم في كل بلد اتق الله وتذكر (من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرا أوليصمت) فإياك والتحريش بين المشايخ ولاتكن نماما فأقبح النمامين من أفسد بين المشايخ وإن لم تصدر منك كلمة تجمع فاحذر أن تصدر منك كلمة تفرق والزم الأدب مع علماء وشيوخ أهل السنة في بلدك وفي […]
Helping the people fulfil their needs
Whoever busies himself with [helping fulfil] the needs of the people, Allaah will aid him in [fulfilling] his personal needs.
Forgive your Muslim brother
Forgive your brother; it will not benefit you that Allaah punishes your Muslim brother because of you.
Calling out to someone
The one whose name is not known should not be called out to by ‘Mohammed’…
Being patient during hardship
This is how the believers must be at all times…
The act of the despicable
Reference: Ibn Hazam – v1, p365 Ibn Hazam said: Do not convey to your friend that which will hurt him and not benefit him to know, [for indeed] this is the act of the despicable.
Compassion in Islaam
Reference: قال الشيخ #ابن_عثيمين :"ينبغي للإنسان أن يراعي قلوب الناس ، فإذا انكسر قلب شخص فليحرص على جبره بما استطاع ؛ لأن في هذا فضلا عظيماً … " شرح بلوغ المرام (٣٣٣/١١) — فتاوى العلماء (@fatawaalolama) April 8, 2021 Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam – v11, p333 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: It is befitting that a […]