If we changed the [famous] saying ‘the walls have ears’ to ‘the angels write [everything]’, we would certainly produce a generation which only fears Allaah, and is conscious of Allaah in their speech and actions.
Category: Manners
A man broke down and began sobbing
al-Hasan was preaching [to the people] when a man [broke down and] began sobbing; so al-Hasan said to him: ‘By Allaah you will [even] be questioned as to what you intended by this [tearful sobbing].’
Three signs of a hypocrite
There are three signs of a hypocrite: He is lazy when alone, and becomes active when others are around him, and keenly carries out tasks when praised.
The status of ‘Abdullaah Ibn al-Mubaarak
Allaah did not raise the status of [‘Abdullaah] Ibn al-Mubaarak except for the secret hoard [of his righteous deeds] he had.
Therein is iniquity
It used to be said: ‘For him whose secret hoard [of deeds] is superior to his open hoard [of deeds] – therein is much excellence; and for him whose secret hoard [of deeds] are worse than his open hoard [of deeds] – therein is iniquity.
He would pinch his nose
Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee was tender hearted, and when he would become tearful in front of his companions, he would pinch his nose to give [them] the impression he had a cold, and if he feared he would be overcome by tears, he would get up [and leave the gathering].
One good turn deserves another
I went out with my father and we came to Madeenah. Maalik ibn Anas then sent us a plate of fresh dates. So he (my father) then placed 1,000 deenaars and returned it (the plate) to him.
If you hear about a good deed
If you hear anything about a good [deed] – then practice it, even if only once; so you can be from amongst those [who do good].
He who speaks, laughs and jokes much
He who speaks much, laughs much and jokes much, then his dignity and respect is reduced, and he who persists in [doing] something, becomes known by it.
Satisfied with cheating and deceit
It used to be said, [that] whoever is satisfied with cheating/deceit, then he is [regarded as being] from its people.